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Get values from a fiber group structure


function val = fefgGet(fg,param,varargin)


 Get values from a fiber group structure

  val = fefgGet(fg,param,varargin)

 Copyright (2013-2014), Franco Pestilli, Stanford University, pestillifranco@gmail.com.

 Returns the length of each fiber in the fiber group
 flen = fefgGet(fg,'length')
 Compute the Westin shape parameters (linearity and planarity)
 for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dt)
 westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',eigenvals)
 westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dtFileName)
 Compute eigenvalues for the fibers in a fiber group.
 It requires a dt structure.
 eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt)
 eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dtFileName)
 Compute the 6 parameters for the tensors at each node in each fiber.
 It requires a dt structure.
 dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt)
 dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dtFileName)
 Compute the radial and axial ADC for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dt)
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',eigenvals)
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dtFileName)
 Compute the FA for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dt)
 fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',eigenvals)
 fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dtFileName)
 Compute the Mean Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dt)
 md = fefgGet(fg,'md',eigenvals)
 md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dtFileName)
 Compute the Radial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dt)
 rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',eigenvals)
 rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dtFileName)
 Compute the Axial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dt)
 ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',eigenvals)
 ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dtFileName)
 Compute the radial and axial ADC for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dt)
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',eigenvals)
 adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dtFileName)


 Fiber related
    'nfibers'- Number of fibers in this group
    'nodes per fiber'  - Number of nodes per fiber.
    'fibers' - Fiber coordinates
 Compute the Mean Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
 Requires a dt structure.
 fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dt)
 fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',eigenvals)

 ROI and image coord related
    'unique image coords'
    'nodes to imagecoords' -
    'voxel2fiber node pairs' - For each roi coord, an Nx2 matrix of
        (fiber number,node number)
    'nodes in voxels' - Nodes inside the voxels of roi coords
    'voxels in fg'  - Cell array of the roiCoords touched by each fiber
    'voxels2fibermatrix' - Binary matrix (voxels by fibers).  1s when a
        fiber is in a voxel of the roiCoords (which are, sadly, implicit).

 Tensor and tractography related
      'tensors'     - Tensors for each node

 See also: fgCreate; fgSet

 Copyright (2013-2014), Franco Pestilli, Stanford University, pestillifranco@gmail.com.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function val = fefgGet(fg,param,varargin)
0002 % Get values from a fiber group structure
0003 %
0004 %  val = fefgGet(fg,param,varargin)
0005 %
0006 % Copyright (2013-2014), Franco Pestilli, Stanford University, pestillifranco@gmail.com.
0007 %
0008 %------------
0009 % Returns the length of each fiber in the fiber group
0010 % flen = fefgGet(fg,'length')
0011 %------------
0012 % Compute the Westin shape parameters (linearity and planarity)
0013 % for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0014 % Requires a dt structure.
0015 % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dt)
0016 % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',eigenvals)
0017 % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dtFileName)
0018 %-------------
0019 % Compute eigenvalues for the fibers in a fiber group.
0020 % It requires a dt structure.
0021 % eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt)
0022 % eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dtFileName)
0023 %-------------
0024 % Compute the 6 parameters for the tensors at each node in each fiber.
0025 % It requires a dt structure.
0026 % dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt)
0027 % dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dtFileName)
0028 %-------------
0029 % Compute the radial and axial ADC for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0030 % Requires a dt structure.
0031 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dt)
0032 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',eigenvals)
0033 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dtFileName)
0034 %-------------
0035 % Compute the FA for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0036 % Requires a dt structure.
0037 % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dt)
0038 % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',eigenvals)
0039 % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dtFileName)
0040 %-------------
0041 % Compute the Mean Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0042 % Requires a dt structure.
0043 % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dt)
0044 % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',eigenvals)
0045 % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dtFileName)
0046 %-------------
0047 % Compute the Radial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0048 % Requires a dt structure.
0049 % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dt)
0050 % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',eigenvals)
0051 % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dtFileName)
0052 %-------------
0053 % Compute the Axial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0054 % Requires a dt structure.
0055 % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dt)
0056 % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',eigenvals)
0057 % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dtFileName)
0058 %-------------
0059 % Compute the radial and axial ADC for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0060 % Requires a dt structure.
0061 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dt)
0062 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',eigenvals)
0063 % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dtFileName)
0064 %-------------
0065 %
0066 % Parameters
0067 % General
0068 %    'name'
0069 %    'type'
0070 %    'colorrgb'
0071 %    'thickness'
0072 %    'visible'
0073 %
0074 % Fiber related
0075 %    'nfibers'- Number of fibers in this group
0076 %    'nodes per fiber'  - Number of nodes per fiber.
0077 %    'fibers' - Fiber coordinates
0078 %    'fibernames'
0079 %    'fiberindex'
0080 % Compute the Mean Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0081 % Requires a dt structure.
0082 % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dt)
0083 % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',eigenvals)
0084 %
0085 % ROI and image coord related
0086 %    'unique image coords'
0087 %    'nodes to imagecoords' -
0088 %    'voxel2fiber node pairs' - For each roi coord, an Nx2 matrix of
0089 %        (fiber number,node number)
0090 %    'nodes in voxels' - Nodes inside the voxels of roi coords
0091 %    'voxels in fg'  - Cell array of the roiCoords touched by each fiber
0092 %    'voxels2fibermatrix' - Binary matrix (voxels by fibers).  1s when a
0093 %        fiber is in a voxel of the roiCoords (which are, sadly, implicit).
0094 %
0095 % Tensor and tractography related
0096 %      'tensors'     - Tensors for each node
0097 %
0098 %
0099 % See also: fgCreate; fgSet
0100 %
0101 % Copyright (2013-2014), Franco Pestilli, Stanford University, pestillifranco@gmail.com.
0102 val = [];
0104 switch strrep(lower(param),' ','')
0106   % Basic fiber parameters
0107   case 'name'
0108     val = fg.name;
0109   case 'type'  % Should always be fibergroup
0110     val = fg.type;
0112     % Fiber visualization settings.
0113   case 'colorrgb'
0114     val = fg.colorRgb;
0115   case 'thickness'
0116     val = fg.thickness;
0117   case 'visible'
0118     val = fg.visible;
0120     % Simple fiber properties --
0121   case {'fibers'}
0122     % val = fefgGet(fg,'fibers',fList);
0123     %
0124     % Returns a 3xN matrix of fiber coordinates corresponding to the
0125     % fibers specified in the integer vector, fList.  This differs from
0126     % the dtiH (mrDiffusion) representation, where fiber coordinates
0127     % are stored as a set of cell arrays for each fiber.
0128     if ~isempty(varargin)
0129       list = varargin{1};
0130       val = cell(length(list),1);
0131       for ii=1:length(list)
0132         val{ii} = fg.fibers{ii};
0133       end
0134     else
0135       val = fg.fibers;
0136     end
0137   case 'fibernames'
0138     val = fg.fiberNames;
0139   case 'fiberindex'
0140     val = fg.fiberIndex;
0141   case 'nfibers'
0142     val = length(fg.fibers);
0143   case {'nodesperfiber','nsamplesperfiber','nfibersamples'}
0144     % fefgGet(fg,'n samples per fiber ')
0145     % How many samples per fiber.  This is about equal to
0146     % their length in mm, though we need to write the fiber lengths
0147     % routine to actually calculate this.
0148     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'n fibers');
0149     val = zeros(1,nFibers);
0150     for ii=1:nFibers
0151       val(ii) = length(fg.fibers{ii});
0152     end
0154     % Fiber group (subgroup) properties.
0155     % These are used when we classify fibers into subgroups.  We should
0156     % probably clean up this organization which is currently
0157     %
0158     %   subgroup - length of fibers, an index of group identity
0159     %   subgroupNames()
0160     %    .subgroupIndex - Probably should go away and the index should
0161     %          just be
0162     %    .subgroupName  - Probably should be moved up.
0163     %
0164   case {'ngroups','nsubgroups'}
0165     val = length(fg.subgroupNames);
0166   case {'groupnames'}
0167     val = cell(1,fefgGet(fg,'n groups'));
0168     for ii=1:nGroups
0169       val{ii} = fg.subgroupNames(ii).subgroupName;
0170     end
0172     % DTI properties
0173   case 'tensors'
0174     val = fg.tensors;
0176     % Fiber to coord calculations
0177   case {'imagecoords'}
0178     % c = fefgGet(fgAcpc,'image coords',fgList,xForm);
0179     % c = fefgGet(fgAcpc,'image coords',fgList,xForm);
0180     %
0181     % Return the image coordinates of a specified list of fibers
0182     % Returns a matrix that is fgList by 3 of the image coordinates for
0183     % each node of each fiber.
0184     %
0185     % Fiber coords are represented at fine resolution in ACPC space.
0186     % These coordinates are rounded and in image space
0187     if ~isempty(varargin)
0188       fList = varargin{1};
0189       if length(varargin) > 1
0190         xForm = varargin{2};
0191         % Put the fiber coordinates into image space
0192         fg = dtiXformFiberCoords(fg,xForm);
0193       end
0194     else
0195       % In this case, the fiber coords should already be in image
0196       % space.
0197       nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'n fibers');
0198       fList = 1:nFibers;
0199     end
0201     % Pull out the coordinates and ceil them.  These are in image
0202     % space.
0203     nFibers = length(fList);
0204     val = cell(1,nFibers);
0205     if nFibers == 1
0206       val = ceil(fg.fibers{fList(1)}')+1;
0208     else
0209      feOpenLocalCluster
0210      parfor ii=1:nFibers
0211          val{ii} = ceil(fg.fibers{fList(ii)}')+1;
0212      end
0213     end
0215   case {'uniqueimagecoords'}
0216     %   coords = fefgGet(fgIMG,'unique image coords');
0217     %
0218     % The fg input must be in IMG space.
0219     %
0220     % Returns the unique image coordinates of all the fibers as an Nx3
0221     % matrix of integers.
0222     % val = round(horzcat(fg.fibers{:})');
0223     val = ceil(horzcat(fg.fibers{:})')+1;
0224     val = unique(val,'rows');
0226     case {'allimagecoords'}
0227     %   coords = fefgGet(fgIMG,'all image coords');
0228     %
0229     % The fg input must be in IMG space.
0230     %
0231     % Returns all image coordinates of all the fibers as an Nx3
0232     % matrix of integers.
0233     % val = round(horzcat(fg.fibers{:})');
0234     val = ceil(horzcat(fg.fibers{:})')+1;
0236   case {'uniqueacpccoords'}
0237     %   coords = fefgGet(fg,'unique acpc coords');
0238     %
0239     % The fg input must be in ACPC space.
0240     %
0241     % Returns the unique ACPC coordinates of all the fibers as an Nx3
0242     % matrix of integers.
0243     val = fefgGet(fg, 'uniqueimagecoords') ;
0245   case {'nodes2voxels'}
0246     %   nodes2voxels = fefgGet(fgImg,'nodes2voxels',roiCoords)
0247     %
0248     % The roiCoords are a matrix of Nx3 coordinates.  They describe a
0249     % region of interest, typically in image space or possibly in acpc
0250     % space.
0251     %
0252     % We return a cell array that is a mapping of fiber nodes to voxels in
0253     % the roi.  The roi is specified as an Nx3 matrix of coordinates.
0254     % The returned cell array, nodes2voxels, has the same number of
0255     % cells as there are fibers.
0256     %
0257     % Unlike the fiber group cells, which have a 3D coordinate of each
0258     % node, this cell array has an integer that indexes the row of
0259     % roiCoords that contains the node. If a node is not in any of the
0260     % roiCoords, the entry in node2voxels{ii} for that node is zero.
0261     % This means that node is outside the 'roiCoords'.
0262     %
0263     % Once again: The cell nodes2voxels{ii} specifies whether each
0264     % node in the iith fiber is inside a voxel in the roiCoords.  The
0265     % value specifies the row in roiCoords that contains the node.
0266     %
0267     if isempty(varargin), error('roiCoords required');
0268     else
0269       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0270     end
0271     fprintf('[%s] Computing nodes-to-voxels..',mfilename)
0273     % Find the roiCoord for each node in each fiber.
0274     nFiber = fefgGet(fg,'n fibers');
0275     val    = cell(nFiber,1);
0277    feOpenLocalCluster
0278    parfor ii=1:nFiber
0279      % if ~mod(ii,200), fprintf('%d ',ii); end
0280      % Node coordinates in image space
0281      nodeCoords = fefgGet(fg,'image coords',ii);
0283      % The values in loc are the row of the coords matrix that contains
0284      % that sample point in a fiber.  For example, if the number 100 is
0285      % in the 10th position of loc, then the 10th sample point in the
0286      % fiber passes through the voxel in row 100 of coords.
0287      %keyboard
0288      [~, val{ii}] = ismember(nodeCoords, roiCoords, 'rows');  % This operation is slow.
0289     end    
0290     fprintf(' took: %2.3fminutes.\n',toc/60)
0292   case {'voxel2fibernodepairs','v2fn'}
0293     % voxel2FNpairs = fefgGet(fgImg,'voxel 2 fibernode pairs',roiCoords);
0294     % voxel2FNpairs = fefgGet(fgImg,'voxel 2 fibernode pairs',roiCoords,nodes2voxels);
0295     %
0296     % The return is a cell array whose size is the number of voxels.
0297     % The cell is a Nx2 matrix of the (fiber, node) pairs that pass
0298     % through it.
0299     %
0300     % The value N is the number of nodes in the voxel.  The first
0301     % column is the fiber number.  The second column reports the indexes
0302     % of the nodes for each fiber in each voxel.
0303     fprintf('[%s] Computing fibers/nodes pairing in each voxel..\n',mfilename)
0305     if (length(varargin) < 1), error('Requires the roiCoords.');
0306     else
0307       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0308       nCoords   = size(roiCoords,1);
0309     end
0310     if length(varargin) < 2
0311       % We assume the fg and the ROI coordinates are in the same
0312       % coordinate frame.
0313       tic,nodes2voxels    = fefgGet(fg,'nodes 2 voxels',roiCoords);
0314     else nodes2voxels = varargin{2};
0315     end
0317     nFibers      = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0318     voxelsInFG   = fefgGet(fg,'voxels in fg',nodes2voxels);      
0320     tic,roiNodesInFG = fefgGet(fg,'nodes in voxels',nodes2voxels);
0321     tic, val = cell(1,nCoords);
0322     for thisFiber=1:nFibers
0323       voxelsInFiber = voxelsInFG{thisFiber};   % A few voxels, in a list
0324       nodesInFiber  = roiNodesInFG{thisFiber}; % The corresponding nodes
0326       % Then add a row for each (fiber,node) pairs that pass through
0327       % the voxels for this fiber.
0328       for jj=1:length(voxelsInFiber)
0329         thisVoxel = voxelsInFiber(jj);
0330         % Print out roi coord and fiber coord to verify match
0331         % roiCoords(thisVoxel,:)
0332         % fg.fibers{thisFiber}(:,nodesInFiber(jj))
0333         % Would horzcat be faster?
0334         val{thisVoxel} = cat(1,val{thisVoxel},[thisFiber,nodesInFiber(jj)]);
0335       end
0336     end
0337     fprintf('[%s] fiber/node pairing completed in: %2.3fs.\n',mfilename, toc)
0339   case {'voxel2fibers','fiberdensity'}
0340     % voxel2FNpairs = fefgGet(fgImg,'fiber density',roiCoords);
0341     %
0342     % The return is a cell array whose size is the number of voxels.
0343     % The cell is a Nx1 matrix of fiber counts. How many fibers in each
0344     % voxel.
0345     %
0346     fprintf('[%s] Computing fiber density in each voxel...\n',mfilename)
0348     if (length(varargin) < 1), 
0349       roiCoords = fefgGet(fg,'uniqueimagecoords');
0350       fprintf('[%s] Computing white-matter volume ROI from fibers coordinates.\n',mfilename) 
0351       fprintf('          Assuming fiber coordinates in IMG space.\n')
0352     else
0353       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0354     end
0356     if length(varargin) < 2
0357       % We assume the fg and the ROI coordinates are in the same
0358       % coordinate frame.
0359       tic,nodes2voxels= fefgGet(fg,'nodes 2 voxels',roiCoords);
0360     else nodes2voxels = varargin{2};
0361     end
0363     nCoords      = size(roiCoords,1);
0364     nFibers      = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0365     voxelsInFG   = fefgGet(fg,'voxels in fg',nodes2voxels);      
0367     tic, fibersInVox = cell(1,nCoords);
0368     for thisFiber=1:nFibers
0369       voxelsInFiber = voxelsInFG{thisFiber};   % A few voxels, in a list
0371       % Then add a row for each (fiber,node) pairs that pass through
0372       % the voxels for this fiber.
0373       for jj=1:length(voxelsInFiber)
0374         thisVoxel = voxelsInFiber(jj);
0375         % Print out roi coord and fiber coord to verify match
0376         % roiCoords(thisVoxel,:)
0377         % fg.fibers{thisFiber}(:,nodesInFiber(jj))
0378         % Would horzcat be faster?
0379         fibersInVox{thisVoxel} = cat(1,fibersInVox{thisVoxel},thisFiber);
0380       end
0381     end
0383     % Now create the fiber density, the unique fibers in each voxel
0384     val = zeros(length(fibersInVox),1);
0385     for ivx = 1:length(fibersInVox)
0386       val(ivx) = length(unique(fibersInVox{ivx}));
0387     end
0389     fprintf('[%s] fiber density completed in: %2.3fs.\n',mfilename, toc)
0391   case {'uniquefibersinvox'}
0392     % uniquefvx = fefgGet(fgImg,'uniquefibrsinvox',roiCoords);
0393     %
0394     % The return is a vector whose size is the number of voxels containing
0395     % the unique fibers in each voxel
0396     %
0397     fprintf('[%s] Computing the unique fibers in each voxel...\n',mfilename)
0398     tic
0399     if (length(varargin) < 1), error('Requires the roiCoords.');
0400     else
0401       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0402       nCoords   = size(roiCoords,1);
0403     end
0405     % We assume the fg and the ROI coordinates are in the same
0406     % coordinate frame.
0407     nodes2voxels    = fefgGet(fg,'nodes 2 voxels',roiCoords);
0409     nFibers      = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0410     voxelsInFG   = fefgGet(fg,'voxels in fg',nodes2voxels);      
0412     fibersInVox = cell(1,nCoords);
0413     for thisFiber=1:nFibers
0414       voxelsInFiber = voxelsInFG{thisFiber};   % A few voxels, in a list
0416       % Then add a row for each (fiber,node) pairs that pass through
0417       % the voxels for this fiber.
0418       if ~isempty(voxelsInFiber)
0419           for jj=1:length(voxelsInFiber)
0420               thisVoxel = voxelsInFiber(jj);
0421               fibersInVox{thisVoxel} = cat(1,fibersInVox{thisVoxel},thisFiber);
0422           end
0423       end
0424     end
0426     % Now create find the unique fibers in each voxel
0427     val = cell(length(fibersInVox),1);
0428     for ivx = 1:length(fibersInVox)
0429       val{ivx} = (unique(fibersInVox{ivx}));
0430     end
0431     fprintf('[%s] done computing unique fibers in each voxel: %2.3fs.\n',mfilename, toc)
0433   case {'nodesinvoxels'}
0434     % nodesInVoxels = fefgGet(fg,'nodes in voxels',nodes2voxels);
0435     %
0436     % This cell array is a modified form of nodes2voxels (see above).
0437     % In that cell array every node in every fiber has a number
0438     % referring to its row in roiCoords, or a 0 when the node is not in
0439     % any roiCoord voxel.
0440     %
0441     % This cell array differs only in that the 0s removed.  This
0442     % is used to simplify certain calculations.
0443     %
0444     if (length(varargin) <1), error('Requires nodes2voxels cell array.'); end
0445     tic,fprintf('[%s] Computing nodes-in-voxels..',mfilename)
0446     nodes2voxels = varargin{1};
0447     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0448     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0450     feOpenLocalCluster
0451     % For each fiber, this is a list of the nodes that pass through
0452     % a voxel in the roiCoords
0453     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0454       % For each fiber, this is a list of the nodes that pass through
0455       % a voxel in the roiCoords
0456       lst = (nodes2voxels{ii} ~= 0);
0457       val{ii} = find(lst);
0458     end
0459     fprintf(' took: %2.3fs.\n',toc)
0461   case 'voxelsinfg'
0462     % voxelsInFG = fefgGet(fgImg,'voxels in fg',nodes2voxels);
0463     %
0464     % A cell array length n-fibers. Each cell has a list of the voxels
0465     % (rows of roiCoords) for a fiber.
0466     %
0467     % This routine eliminates the 0's in the nodes2voxels lists.
0468     %
0469     if length(varargin) < 1, error('Requires nodes2voxels cell array.'); end
0470     tic,fprintf('[%s] Computing voxels-in-fg..',mfilename)
0472     nodes2voxels = varargin{1};
0473     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0474     val = cell(1,nFibers);
0476     feOpenLocalCluster
0477     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0478       % These are the nodes that pass through a voxel in the
0479       % roiCoords
0480       lst = (nodes2voxels{ii} ~= 0);
0481       val{ii} = nodes2voxels{ii}(lst);
0482     end
0483     fprintf(' took: %2.3fs.\n',toc)
0485   case {'voxels2fibermatrix','v2fm'}
0486     %   v2fm = fefgGet(fgImg,'voxels 2 fiber matrix',roiCoords);
0487     % Or,
0488     %   v2fnPairs = fefgGet(fgImg,'v2fn',roiCoords);
0489     %   v2fm = fefgGet(fgImg,'voxels 2 fiber matrix',roiCoords, v2fnPairs);
0490     %
0491     % mrvNewGraphWin; imagesc(v2fm)
0492     %
0493     % Returns a binary matrix of size Voxels by Fibers.
0494     % When voxel ii has at least one node from fiber jj, there is a one
0495     % in v2fm(ii,jj).  Otherwise, the entry is zero.
0496     %
0498     % Check that the fg is in the image coordspace:
0499     if isfield(fg, 'coordspace') && ~strcmp(fg.coordspace, 'img')
0500       error('Fiber group is not in the image coordspace, please xform');
0501     end
0503     if isempty(varargin), error('roiCoords required');
0504     else
0505       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0506       nCoords   = size(roiCoords,1);
0507       if length(varargin) < 2
0508         v2fnPairs = fefgGet(fg,'v2fn',roiCoords);
0509       else
0510         v2fnPairs = varargin{2};
0511       end
0512     end
0514     % Allocate matrix of voxels by fibers
0515     val = zeros(nCoords,fefgGet(fg,'n fibers'));
0517     % For each coordinate, find the fibers.  Set those entries to 1.
0518     for ii=1:nCoords
0519       if ~isempty(v2fnPairs{ii})
0520         f = unique(v2fnPairs{ii}(:,1));
0521       end
0522       val(ii,f) = 1;
0523     end
0525   case {'fibersinroi','fginvoxels','fibersinvoxels'}
0526     % fList = fefgGet(fgImg,'fibersinroi',roiCoords);
0527     %
0528     % v2fn = fefgGet(fgImg,'v2fn',roiCoords);
0529     % fList = fefgGet(fgImg,'fibersinroi',roiCoords,v2fn);
0530     %
0531     % Returns an integer vector of the fibers with at least
0532     % one node in a region of interest.
0533     %
0534     % The fg and roiCoords should be in the same coordinate frame.
0535     %
0536     if isempty(varargin), error('roiCoords required');
0537     elseif length(varargin) == 1
0538       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0539       v2fnPairs = fefgGet(fg,'v2fn',roiCoords);
0540     elseif length(varargin) > 1
0541       roiCoords = varargin{1};
0542       v2fnPairs = varargin{2};
0543     end
0545     val = []; nCoords = size(roiCoords,1);
0546     for ii=1:nCoords
0547       if ~isempty(v2fnPairs{ii})
0548         val = cat(1,val,v2fnPairs{ii}(:,1));
0549       end
0550     end
0551     val = sort(unique(val),'ascend');
0553   case {'coordspace','fibercoordinatespace','fcspace'}
0554     % In some cases, the fg might contain information telling us in which
0555     % coordinate space its coordinates are set. This information is set
0556     % as a struct. Each entry in the struct can be either a 4x4 xform
0557     % matrix from the fiber coordinates to that space (with eye(4) for
0558     % the space in which the coordinates are defined), or (if the xform
0559     % is not know) an empty matrix.
0561     cspace_fields = fields(fg.coordspace);
0562     val = [];
0563     for f=1:length(cspace_fields)
0564       this_field = cspace_fields{f};
0565       if isequal(getfield(fg.coordspace, this_field), eye(4))
0566         val = this_field;
0567       end
0568     end
0570   case {'length'}
0571     % Returns the length of each fiber in the fiber group
0572     % flen = fefgGet(fg,'length')
0574     % Measure the step size of the first fiber. They *should* all be the same!
0575     stepSize = mean(sqrt(sum(diff(fg.fibers{1},1,2).^2)));
0577     % Check that they are
0578     %stepSize2 = mean(sqrt(sum(diff(fg.fibers{2},1,2).^2)));
0579     %assertElementsAlmostEqual(stepSize,stepSize2,'relative',.001,.001);
0581     % Estimate the length for the fibers, as well mean, min and max
0582     val  = cellfun('length',fg.fibers)*stepSize;
0584   case {'dt6'}
0585     % Compute the 6 parameters for the tensors at each node in each fiber.
0586     % It requires a dt structure.
0587     % dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'dt6',dt)
0588     % dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'dt6',dtFileName)
0590     if ~ischar(varargin{1})    
0591       if isstruct(varargin{1})
0592         % A dti structure was passed.
0593         dt = varargin{1};
0594       else
0595         error('[%s] A ''dt'' structure is necessary.', mfilename)
0596       end
0597     else % The string should be a path to a dt.mat file.
0598       dt = dtiLoadDt6(varargin{1});
0599     end
0601     % Get the dt6 tensors for each node in each fiber.
0602     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0603     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0604     xform   = inv(dt.xformToAcpc);
0605     dt6     = dt.dt6; clear dt
0606     feOpenLocalCluster
0607     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0608       % Get the fiber coordinates.
0609       coords = fg.fibers{ii}'; % Assumed in ACPC
0611       [val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6] = ...
0612         dtiGetValFromTensors(dt6, coords, xform,'dt6','nearest');
0614       % Build a vector of tesnsors' eigenvalues
0615       val{ii} = [val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6];
0616     end
0619   case {'eigenvals'}
0620     % Compute eigenvalues for the fibers in a fiber group.
0621     % It requires a dt structure.
0622     % eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt)
0623     % eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',dt6FileName)
0624     if ~ischar(varargin{1})
0625       if ( ~isstruct(varargin{1}) )
0626         dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'dt6',varargin{1});
0627       elseif ( size(varargin{1},1)==6 )
0628         dt6 = varargin{1};
0629       else
0630         error('[%s] Either a ''dt'' structure or a ''dt6'' vector of tensor coefficients is necessary.\n',mfilename)
0631       end
0632     else % The string should be a path to a dt6.mat file.
0633       dt6 = fefgGet(fg,'dt6',dtiLoadDt6(varargin{1}));
0634     end
0636     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0637     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0639     feOpenLocalCluster
0640     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0642       % We now have the dt6 data from all of the fibers.  We extract the
0643       % directions into vec and the eigenvalues into val.  The units of val are
0644       % um^2/sec or um^2/msec .. somebody answer this here, please.
0645       [~,val{ii}] = dtiEig(dt6{ii});
0646     end
0648     for  ii = 1:nFibers
0649       % Some of the ellipsoid fits are wrong and we get negative eigenvalues.
0650       % These are annoying. If they are just a little less than 0, then clipping
0651       % to 0 is not an entirely unreasonable thing. Maybe we should check for the
0652       % magnitude of the error?
0653       nonPD = find(any(val{ii}<0,2), 1);
0654       if(~isempty(nonPD))
0655         %fprintf('\n NOTE: %d fiber points had negative eigenvalues. These will be clipped to 0..\n',length(nonPD));
0656         val{ii}(val{ii}<0) = 0;
0657       end
0659       threeZeroVals = (sum(val{ii}, 2) == 0);
0660       %if ~isempty (threeZeroVals)
0661       %  fprintf('\n NOTE: %d of these fiber points had all three negative eigenvalues. These will be excluded from analyses\n', length(threeZeroVals));
0662       %end
0663       val{ii}(threeZeroVals, :)=[];
0664     end
0666   case {'fa'}
0667     % Compute the FA for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0668     % Requires a dt structure.
0669     % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dt)
0670     % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',eigenvals)
0671     % fa = fefgGet(fg,'fa',dtFileName)
0672     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1})
0673       % A dti structue was passed.
0674       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0675     else
0676       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0677       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0678     end
0680     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0681     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0683     feOpenLocalCluster
0684     parfor ii = 1:nFibers    
0685       [val{ii},~,~,~] = dtiComputeFA(eigenvals{ii});
0686     end
0688   case {'md'}
0689     % Compute the Mean Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0690     % Requires a dt structure.
0691     % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dt)
0692     % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',eigenvals)
0693     % md = fefgGet(fg,'md',dtFileName)
0695     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1})
0696       % A dti structue was passed.
0697       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0698     else
0699       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0700       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0701     end
0702     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0703     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0705     feOpenLocalCluster
0706     parfor ii = 1:nFibers    
0707       [~,val{ii},~,~] = dtiComputeFA(eigenvals{ii});
0708     end
0710   case {'ad'}
0711     % Compute the Axial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0712     % Requires a dt structure.
0713     % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dt)
0714     % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',eigenvals)
0715     % ad = fefgGet(fg,'ad',dtFileName)
0717     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1}) 
0718       % A dti structue was passed.
0719       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0720     else
0721       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0722       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0723     end
0724     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0725     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0727     feOpenLocalCluster
0728     parfor ii = 1:nFibers    
0729       [~,~,~,val{ii}] = dtiComputeFA(eigenvals{ii});
0730     end
0732   case {'rd'}
0733     % Compute the Radial Diffusivity for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0734     % Requires a dt structure.
0735     % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dt)
0736     % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',eigenvals)
0737     % rd = fefgGet(fg,'rd',dtFileName)
0739     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1}) 
0740       % A dti structue was passed.
0741       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0742     else
0743       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0744       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0745     end
0746     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0747     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0749     feOpenLocalCluster
0750     parfor ii = 1:nFibers    
0751       [~,~,val{ii},~] = dtiComputeFA(eigenvals{ii});
0752     end
0754   case {'adc'}
0755     % Compute the radial and axial ADC for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0756     % Requires a dt structure.
0757     % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dt)
0758     % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',eigenvals)
0759     % adc = fefgGet(fg,'adc',dtFileName)
0761     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1}) 
0762       % A dti structue was passed.
0763       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0764     else
0765       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0766       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0767     end
0769     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0770     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0771     feOpenLocalCluster
0772     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0773       [~,~,val{ii}.radial, val{ii}.axial] = dtiComputeFA(eigenvals{ii});
0774     end
0776   case {'westinshape'}
0777     % Compute the Westin shape parameters (linearity and planarity)
0778     % for all the fibers in the fiber group.
0779     % Requires a dt structure.
0780     % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dt)
0781     % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',eigenvals)
0782     % westin = fefgGet(fg,'westinshape',dtFileName)
0784     if (~isstruct(varargin{1}) || ischar(varargin{1})) && ~iscell(varargin{1}) 
0785       % A dt structue was passed.
0786       eigenvals = fefgGet(fg,'eigenvals',varargin{1});
0787     else
0788       % We assume that eigenvals were passed already
0789       eigenvals = varargin{1};
0790     end
0792     % This was the originial formulation described in:
0793     % C-F. Westin, S. Peled, H. Gubbjartsson, R. Kikinis, and F.A. Jolesz.
0794     % Geometrical diffusion measures for MRI from tensor basis analysis.
0795     % In Proceedings 5th Annual ISMRM, 1997.
0796     nFibers = fefgGet(fg,'nFibers');
0797     val     = cell(1,nFibers);
0799     feOpenLocalCluster
0800     parfor ii = 1:nFibers
0801       [val{ii}.linearity, val{ii}.planarity] = dtiComputeWestinShapes(eigenvals{ii});
0802     end
0804   otherwise
0805     error('Unknown fg parameter: "%s"\n',param);
0806 end
0808 return

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