Master index | Index for fe |
feConnectomeBuildModel | Compute matrix to predict directional diffusion in each voxel from fibers |
feConnectomeInit | Initialize a new connectome (fe) structure. |
feConnectomeReduceFibers | Deletes a set of fibers from the signal and the M matrix. |
feConnectomeReduceVoxels | Select the voxels to keep (extract) in a connectome matrix |
feConnectomeSelectFibers | Deletes a set of fibers from the signal and the M matrix. |
feConnectomeSetDwi | Set all the fields necessary to store the DWI measurements. |
feCreate | Create a linear fascicle evaluation structure |
feGet | Get function for fascicle evaluation structure |
feGetRep | Get function for fascicle evaluation structure, to use for a repeated |
feSet | Set fascicle evaluation parameters. |
feVirtualLesion | Perform a virtual lesion. |